Friday, February 27, 2009

How to make a Happy Birthday sign/banner

I wanted to make a cute fun sign to put out and reuse to celebrate the girls birthdays, 
but had neither the time or money to shop for one.
I  had to make a banner for our primary room 
and had a piece of leftover foam core and decided to use that for the base.
Hint: the trick to cutting foam core is to use a REALLY sharp utility knife and a straight edge whenever possible.  You have to use quite a bit of pressure but if you do it right you can cut clean through the foamcore in one cut.  I bought a huge piece of foam care for about 8 or 9$ from XPEDX (one of my favorite stores!)

Anyway I used Apple Works to make a banner from a tutorial off the web.

I'm sure other programs can make banners as well.
The banner prints out on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and then you just tape them together.

I used a cute 12 x 12 scrapbook paper to make a 4 "  border and glued everything down with spray adhesive.
Spray adhesive is totally awesome and something you must have at home.  
It works on any kind of paper and you can even reposition the paper 
once you have laid it in place.  
Be sure to do it 0utside or use newspaper because the spray adhesive gets everywhere.

I punched two holes with an awl 
and threaded some wide satin ribbon to hang it with.  I always buy ribbon in bolts 
(something I got from my mom).  There is nothing better than having some really good ribbon on hand for a project you decide to do at the last minute.  I buy most of my ribbon at Taipan Trading, but you have to have a tax ID number to buy stuff there.  Anyway, I love this cute wide lime green satin ribbon, I have used it for lots of projects.

Voila, instant birthday banner to hang inside or outside.